Get An All-Access Pass to Rebecca Hamilton’s Bestselling Secrets for Less Than What It Costs to Eat Out Once A Month
This Publishing Mastermind Course is for authors who want to learn everything there is to know, start to finish, no holding back, from the basics and well beyond into what all the big earners in publishing usually keep to themselves.
This course is run in view only mode (meaning no feedback) at a fraction of the cost to take the full version of the course (with feedback). However, you can upgrade anytime during the first year for a full credit of what is already paid to the full version.
There are 86 lessons in all which will be delivered at a rate of 1 lesson per 3 weeks.
The first lesson will explain how to make $20-$700 a month to ensure you can cover the expense of this course.
This course is worth WAY MORE than the $20 per month Rebecca charges for it!
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